Do You See What I See in This Six-Year-Old?

Dear Janie,

Happy birthday to you! It's been delightful to watch little Jaybird have such a big year! Not sure how, but you've managed to squeeze a LOT of life into Year #6 - so many wonderful experiences and fun times with family and friends!

This year, I'm seeing more and more of the image of God in you. God is the Creator, and He's poured so much creativity into you! You love to paint, draw, color, and make beautiful things out of whatever is lying around. Even sweeter, you usually gift each masterpiece to someone you love.

The Bible says that we find refuge under God's wings, and you diligently offer care and protection for your many, many baby dolls. You have all that you need - and more! - to provide a safe and loving place for each one, and you're a very good caregiver. You take this baby business very seriously - just like God takes very seriously the business of taking care of you.

The Bible also says that the joy of the Lord will be your strength. Well, Pink Pony, that strength is on full display out on the soccer field! You hold back nothing when in pursuit of a goal or when blocking a shot. (Bonus points for rocking that big smile and that even bigger bow as you jet down the field!)

God is the Wellspring of wisdom. As a kindergarten student, you're soaking up all sorts of knowledge and facts about His amazing world! The Scriptures that you're memorizing are the most important words you can tuck away into your mind. Hide them in your heart so that they can guide you as you learn to live your life for God.

One of those Scriptures that you know is the list of the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. Of the nine, a few of them really stand out in your life. You have some younger cousins, and every single time you're with them, I see kindness, patience, and gentleness in you. You slow down to be helpful to them, and you do your best to include them in whatever you're playing. You're encouraging and sweet to them. I'm so proud of you!

As you start Year #7, I'm praying that those fruits and more continue to grow and spread joy to others. I'm praying that your little heart will learn more and more about Jesus and that you'll love Him and follow Him all the days of your life. Janie, I see the image of God in you - and it's beautiful! Happy, happy birthday!

Always loving you with all of my heart,



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