Dude - You're Four!

Dear Jackson,
Hard to believe that my youngest grandchild is four years old! There are no more babies in our grandworld. But honestly, I haven't had much time to think about that because I've been too busy laughing and watching you grow and learn. You. Are. A. Riot! Your funny faces and crazy poses have pretty much made serious picture-taking an impossibility. Long, detailed stories told with big eyes and large gestures are hard to take seriously (but are seriously amusing!).

In this past year, you've kissed the paci goodbye and ditched naptime. You've graduated to big boy underwear (I know - when you're older, you won't apppreciate reading that, but it's a landmark accomplishment) and a full-size bed. Monster trucks, trash trucks, Hot Wheels, books, and bikes are the stuff your dreams are made of. You love all things yellow, and you love your sisters. Mom and Dad are always taking you on adventures - from Disney World to park outings, from soccer games to car shows, from family field trips to waterparks.

Although naps are no longer on your schedule, you're an absolute champ at falling asleep at the drop of a hat - regardless of the time of day. In fact, one of the most bittersweet memories I will ever have happened one afternoon when our families were in Broken Bow. We had just arrived back at the cabin after visiting a petting zoo. Your chubby, pink hand grabbed mine, and you led me to an overstuffed rocker. You crawled up in my lap. As I rocked you, your tired little self fell fast asleep. Snuggling your warm, relaxed body, it hit me - this would be the last time I would ever rock a grandbaby to sleep. My heart will never forget that afternoon. Thank you for the sweetest memory, Jack.

Okay, okay. Enough sappy stuff. Oh, Jack, the places you'll go! So many adventures behind you - and so many more to come! What does the Lord have in store for you? Only He knows, but whatever it is, you can count on me to be cheering you on (and probably laughing a little)! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6) Happy birthday, Doodle!

Always loving you with all of my heart,


The Girl Behind the Books & Birthday Balloons


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