The Girl Behind the Books & Birthday Balloons
Dear Ellie,
Celebrating you is so much fun! You're a passionate kiddo with a bright smile and the happiest laugh! And girl, you love your people! Gathering a small crowd of little friends to dabble in glitz, glamour, and glitter was the perfect way to party in honor of your seventh birthday!
You shocked Mom a few months ago when you announced out of the blue that you were ready to get your ears pierced. And you were! Not one tear did you cry, and you diligently cleaned your new piercings twice a day without fail. And then, of course, you needed new earrings! You're all about the bling. You love bright colors and layers of accessories. Hair clips, bows, and braids make the look - along with just the right bracelet and necklace (or two).
You're a social butterfly who is always looking forward to the next play date. Your love for school and reading seems to grow every day, and it's hard to catch you without a book or tablet in your hands. You've traded in your soccer cleats and dance costumes for pom-poms and a megaphone. You're quick to pick up on cheers, chants, and dances. The Bears are your new favorite team, and I'm sure they'll do great with you and your cheer squad encouraging them from the sidelines!
Mom and Dad are forever getting you, Lucy, and Jack out of the house for some fun outing or another. In fact, Disney World just happened to be a surprise "outing" that you never could've imagined! You met princess after princess, rode some super fun rides, and saw some great shows. You also learned that rollercoasters are not your friend. That's okay - they're not mine, either.
I love the way God has gifted you with a passion for people, learning, and new experiences! The year ahead can only be sweeter as you use those gifts to encourage and bless your friends and family. You are the friend in Proverbs 17:17 - "A friend loves at all times..." I'm so proud of you! Happy birthday, Eleanor!
Always loving you with all of my heart,